function submit_employer_account_form() { if (! validateFields (employer_frm1, $("#id-account-information-form").get(0))) return false; if(!document.form1.cbox.checked) { alert("Please check the Terms of Services"); document.form1.cbox.focus(); return false; } // set the password, login and go to control panel $.ajax({ url: "school.php?action=employer_register", type: "POST", cache: false, async: false, dataType: "text", data: buildAjaxParameters (document.form1) }).done(function( resp ) { parse_response_object(resp, function(respObj) { if (respObj.status == "success") { login (document.form1.contact_email.value, document.form1.contact_password.value, "resume_main.php"); } else if (respObj.status == "error") { alert(respObj.error); } }); }); return (true); }
Welcome to e-Hired. To activate your account, please enter a password (twice), agree to the terms of service, and click the Submit button.
